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last desperate plea (electrical Q)

To: datsun roadsters <>
Subject: last desperate plea (electrical Q)
From: Roman Rist <>
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 17:21:25 -0800 (PST)
like I said this is my last plea, next step (god forbid) is to turn my
roadster over to a shop that may know electrical stuff, but may not
even realize what a roadster is. ( I had a mechanic today ask me what
year my MG was)

ammeter good 100%
voltage regulator good 100%
all grounds good 100%
no found shorts, no fuses blowing, no melted wires
alternator charging battery @ 14 volts at idle, by 2500rpm ammmeter
goes up to 30+ amps and battery is getting 16 to 17 volts!

several have suggested my regulator was bad, I even tried beating it
with a hammer.
It is NOT bad. I took the battery and regulater from the 70 and put
them in the 66 ( which has no charging problems), THEY BOTH WORKED

Could it be so obvious that I just have a bum alternator?
I seem to have ruled out everything else.

Thanks for all your input, I promise this is my last post on this
particular subject.



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