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Re: 1500 for sale

To: "shifty" <>,
Subject: Re: 1500 for sale
From: "roadster" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 22:44:30 -0800
Leigh, sorry to hear that you're letting her go!

For those that didn't know, Leigh has this '67-1/2 2000 hidden away in parts
and pieces all over his garage. Uh, excuse me, 'had' it in parts!

If I had the space I'd take your 1500 into my family. Those 1500's are
getting rare. Leigh's 1500 is a strong runner, no problems running with the
BADROC 1600's and 2000's to SoCal and back to SF. She will be missed by us,
unless the new owner runs with BADROC!

Fred Katz - So.SF

----- Original Message -----
From: "shifty" <>
To: "roadsters" <>
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 5:34 PM
Subject: 1500 for sale

> Hi folks,
> I'm putting my '64 1500 up for sale. Check it out at
> I've decided to put my effort and money into rebuilding SRL311-00139,
> is being prepared for paint right now.
> For sale to a good home only!
> Leigh Brooks

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