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<OT> An open letter to Sar Castro

Subject: <OT> An open letter to Sar Castro
From: "Andrew Murphy" <>
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 07:43:03 -0800

I am sure that many of you will think that by addressing the "Sar Castro" 
issue I am only giving him more fuel to continue his juvenile campaign of 
abuse to us and our cars. Let me assure you that Sar Castro's opinion of me 
or my car matters about as much to me as to the price of tea in China. Sar 
Castro must be bored out of his mind to waste his time by being so hateful 
and abusive. I am sure his ego is allowing him to think that this letter is 
about him. And for that I pity him.

But by remaining silent, I believe we are telling him it is acceptable to 
behave in this manner when it is not. For that reason, I have sent an email 
to Hotmail reporting the abuse. Also, I have turned on full message headers 
so I can find out where the email is coming from. Hotmail IS NOT an 
anonymous email provider. They will always report where the email originated 
from. I hope it is a private or public domain or "" address. If so, I 
will send email to that account informing them of his actions. If it is a 
company email account, then his company is liable for the abuse. I am sure 
they would be VERY interested to see how their private email system is being 
used for public abuse. If it is a public ISP, then their abuse inbox will be 
full until they disable your account.

So Sar Castro, avoid this problem and simply go away. I don't want to waste 
my time with you but I will and you don't want to test my resolve in this 
matter. The choice is yours.

Andrew Murphy


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