Dear All
A PO imported my old 1600 Roadster from the USA complete with Lancia Grille
and badges - because the Roadster is Oh So Rare over here, no-one knew any
different - and those headlamp scoops ARE very 1950s Lancia.
<< I had Toyota badges on my 240 Z for one year.
Nobody noticed or said anything about it.
Thomas >> wrote:
> In a message dated 11/10/00 8:14:32 AM GMT Standard Time,
> writes:
> << f you have the original metal letters, and the original holes in the
> with a little foil and a visit to the local auto junkyard, you can spell
> on the left, put an octagon in the middle, and a "Magnette" script on the
> right without relocating the holes. A "Karmann Ghia" script will fit in
> fender holes, and there is a "Honda VTEK" that will fit on the trunk.
> Leisure Suit Terry >>
> This all begs the question how many emblems, badges and scripts has Terry
> tried in these holes??!! And why?
> Rob