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Re: <OT> US GP

To: Roadster List <>
Subject: Re: <OT> US GP
From: Thomas the Swede <>
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 00:00:50 +0200
...and the Finn should win!


Ronnie Day wrote:

> >
> > writes:
> >
> ><<Is anyone else excited about this?  F1 in America again? >>
> >
> > Greg Morrison:
> >Over 200,000 tickets sold.  No hotel rooms for over a 50 mile radius.  I
> >think at least a few people must be kind of up for it.  My son and I leave
> >for Indy at 1:00pm today.  If you're watching on TV, look for me.  I'll be
> >the guy in the red hat with the Ferrari logo.
> >PS to Les and Dennis:  I asked Jono if he wanted to give his ticket to you
> >and he really gave it some serious thought, and after about a split second
> >he said no.  Sorry.
> Greg,
> I'm more than a bit envious. Have fun and wave big, we'll be looking for
> you on our 55 inch Mitsu TV. Looks like we're gonna have a good group
> Sunday, maybe Saturday for qualifying, too, if I can talk Elayne into it.
> I've been very impressed with Speedvision's "Grand Preview" series.
> They've done a very good job of marketing the race and teaching about the
> current state of F1, IMO. Should be a lot of fun.
> Ronnie Day
> ------------------
> Dallas/Ft. Worth
> ------------------
> '71 510 2-dr (Prepared Class Autocrosser)
> '73 510 2-dr (Street Toy)

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