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Re: quit messing with my car !!!!

To: "Dziuba, Larry" <>,
Subject: Re: quit messing with my car !!!!
From: Thomas <>
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 17:09:19 +0200
If it's protected by Smith & Wesson nobody will mess with it.
Anyway, it's difficult to stop somebody from taking off with
your car stereo. I have a Sony that I can take the front
panel with me and I have an electronic immobilizer to stop
anyone to drive off with my car(s). I have 3 different lock
bolts on every wheel. I'm already paying too much for insurance.

In Sweden

Dziuba, Larry schreib:

> It doesn't sound like you are helping by bragging about setting off alarms.
> If everyone ignores the alarms, then more apathy sets in.  What happened to
> helping out a neighbor.  Especially since everyone is supposed to be
> carrying a cell phone now.  It should be like a massive set of extra eyes
> for the police.  Larry in Calgary.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hall, Phillip []
> Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 7:40 AM
> To: 'Andy Cost';
> Subject: RE: quit messing with my car !!!!
> Hay all -
> If your area is like this one - alarms are worthless.  I guy had his very
> expensive stereo ripped from his Honda in broad daylight.  It was in a
> parking garage and the police said at least 50 people walked by the car
> during and after the fact.  The car had the alarm blaring, doors open, dash
> and interior panels torn apart.  The when questioned about nobody calling
> the police, the police said people completely ignore car alarms because they
> are always going off for no reason.  True - I can drive by a line of cars in
> my Roadster in first gear at 5000 and set alarms off - great fun!
> Phil
>         -----Original Message-----
>         From:   Andy Cost []
>         Sent:   Saturday, September 02, 2000 5:54 PM
>         To:
>         Subject:        Re: quit messing with my car !!!!
>         A warning sign would only make it worse.  It's kind of like throwing
> the
>         gauntlet.  I would suggest an alarm with a motion sensor.  These
> sensors are
>         like the ones in the automatic doors at Wal-Mart.  When you get
> close enough
>         to the door it magically opens.  You can set the sensitivity on
> these alarms
>         so that someone mearly walking by could set it off, or you could set
> it so
>         that someone would have to get in the car before it would trigger
> the siren.
>         I know alarms don't really deter professional car thieves and stereo
>         bandits, but it would keep meddling kids away.
>         Andy
>         ----- Original Message -----
>         From: <>
>         To: <>
>         Sent: Saturday, September 02, 2000 1:47 PM
>         Subject: quit messing with my car !!!!
>         > GrrrRRRRR !!!!  venting time.......
>         >
>         > I've had it w/the folks who roam the parking lot @ my
> apartments!!!!!
>         >
>         > Several months ago: went out to my roadster, found big ASS PRINTS
> in the
>         dust
>         > (it's arizona,,,, you get lots of that here) on my driver's side
> fender.
>         > Dammit - you don't SIT on other people's cars!!!!!
>         >
>         > Coupla' weeks after that: found driver's DOOR KICKED IN - obvious
> shoe
>         tread
>         > prints in the middle. It mostly popped out but GEEZ ! Why my
> car?!?!?
>         >
>         > This morning: glanced out to lot - DOORS OPEN. Sure - it's a bit
> of a
>         > curiosity, but J.H.C.!!- at least bother to shut the flipping door
> behind
>         you
>         > after you gawk at it so I don't freak out. Nothing was disturbed
> (except
>         > ME!), but if someone knew what they were doing, the car woulda
> been
>         loooong
>         > gone. (ign sw temp. routed to the glove box - wires right there)
>         >
>         > <shaking head> I'm condsiedering a printed warning in both english
> &
>         spanish
>         > reading something to the effect of:
>         >
>         > *WARNING - Do NOT mess with this car. Don't even consider stealing
> it...
>         just
>         > look at it- if you don't think that w/the bright red/white paint
> you'll
>         stick
>         > out like a sore thumb you are even more stupid than I think you
> are. There
>         is
>         > NO stereo in this vehicle. Stealing a 30 year-old AM radio is just
> plain
>         > idiotic. The steel wheels this car sits on are NOT worth any money
> to
>         anyone
>         > else. You cannot dismantle this car & sell it for parts, as every
> Roadster
>         > owner in North America will know who you are and action WILL be
> taken.
>         > Grievous Bodily Harm will result, and you will be taken far off
> into the
>         > desert and fed to the buzzards. Now get your grubby paws OFF my
> car, and
>         go
>         > pick on someone else's Honda if you must.*
>         >
>         > WAH!!! - I want a house w/a garage. A nice safe cozy place for the
>         Roadster
>         > to sleep. Maybe in the spirit of "save Randy" I can gather up
> $150K to buy
>         me
>         > a garage w/attached house....."It's for the Roadster."
>         > ***Note: just kidding there - no flames!! (and certainly no
>         donations!)****
>         >
>         > <sigh> ok.. getting silly I must be over it already. Thanks!
>         >
>         > Laurie
>         > 70 SPL311 (the object of ill-doers affection)
>         > 69 SRL311
>         > Chandler, AZ
>         >

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