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Re: Insurance Recomendations

Subject: Re: Insurance Recomendations
From: "Ben Zech" <>
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 13:48:47 GMT
I am also insured with Haggerty and very pleased with them. easy to deal 
with and very reasonabley priced.

>From: <>
>Reply-To: <>
>Subject: Insurance Recomendations
>Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 08:12:54 -0500
> >For all:
> >Shopping for insurance.  I am planning on going with
> >Parish (they advertise in GRM).  Most everybody
> >else I called freaked out when I said I was
> >going to autocross the car sometimes
>Jim -
>I went through Haggerty Insurance Agency.  My premium is $132 per year for
>coverage.  $7000 agreed value for my 1973 240Z and $6,000 for my 68 2000 
>no deductible.  Very reasonable (dare I say cheap) for the Atlanta area.
>They require a picture & the cars must be garaged and driven less than ???
>miles per year (can't remember the exact miles).  Same thing, you race and
>wreck, you pay.  These folks understand that many of us don't drive our 
>a lot and take better car of them than most people take care of their new
>cars.  Their was virtually no price difference insuring two cars because
>they realize I can only drive one at a time :-)  Best part is the actual
>insurance company is CNA.  Big company with sound financials and the 
>to pay claims.
>Haggerty can be found in Hemmings and I think that they might have a web
>site.  Good luck.
>Chris Brucciani
>Marietta, GA


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