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Re: Roll bars, Timing and Carbs (was: bolt holes)

To: "John F Sandhoff" <>, "Mitch Planck" <>
Subject: Re: Roll bars, Timing and Carbs (was: bolt holes)
From: Marc Tyler <>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 16:51:15 -0500
John F Sandhoff wrote

>Some people recommend against Armor All, preferring products like
>STP that tend to not destroy the underlying foam padding over time.
>YMMV and if any Armor All lawyers are reading this, I am just repeating
>what I've read elsewhere!
 Armor-All is great for removing glue from plastic and vinyl.  The 
flip-side of this is it can unglue your trim, and ain't nuthin' gonna 
glue it back.

-Marc T.

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