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Re: lengths we go to for our roadsters

Subject: Re: lengths we go to for our roadsters
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2000 00:43:04 EDT

Yesterday I answered an ad for a motorcycle model that I have been eyeing for 
awhile.  Well, I drive up to his house and inside of his garage is his 
British roadster restoration project.  Yes, it was coming along very well and 
looked very nice.  It was a late 50's MG.  Anyway we talked cars for awhile 
and I even gave him a quick lesson abut SU's.  (Its amazing how complicated 
the Brits made their SU's compared to the ones used in our cars)

Anyway, to make a long story short I invited him to the firehouse the next 
day to check out my 1967.5 2000 Solex.  Yes, I was feeling alittle evil.  ;>) 
 Anyway, today he came over and I pulled the car out in the sun and fired it 
up.  I revved up the engine and let him hear what a Japanese Roadster can do. 
 Lets just say that he was shocked when he found out that it was a somewhat 
stock motor.

I wonder if he intends to trade up to a Datsun?  I dont think he was too 
pleased to see, hear and experience real Roadster muscle.

San Francisco, Ca

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