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engine quits

To: a roadster list <>
Subject: engine quits
From: Toby B <>
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 13:23:58 -0700
    Start with the "fuel or fire" question- are you sure it's getting
spark at the PLUGS?  If so, are you sure it's getting gas thru the
carbs?  A sudden stop like that, with no stumbling or spitting, is
usually loss of spark, but can be a goodly bit of crud in the carbs...
    I had a similar problem that turned out to be a bad connection in my
ignition switch...
Good luck,

> But a new problem has arised.  Twice now after driving for  a while or so,
> engine warmed up, 65 degrees out at night, my car just dies.  Cruising along
> just fine then all of a sudden it gets real quiet.   Coast to a stop an try
> to start with nothing.  The pull the coil wire fron the distributor and it
> has good spark.  After a few minutes think if I should wake up my wife for a
> tow home, try again and it starts. I have replaced coil, wires, cap, rotor
> and points in the past few months so I am assuming something fuel related.
> I also have gone on some longer drives in 90 deg heat with no problems.
> Granted my solo night drives are at a more "spirited" pace than those in the
> daytime with my understanding, but not enthusiastic wife.  Where do I start?

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