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RE: The Search Continues....

To: LauryV@MTA.NET
Subject: RE: The Search Continues....
From: "Andrew Murphy" <>
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2000 09:55:43 PDT

I agree with Victor. If you are looking for a driver, then the concourse 
machines are more than you need.

There are plenty of cars for sale right now. The list LOVES to help people 
find the right car for you. Just let us know what you are looking for, and 
you will have an invisible army looking for cars.

Andrew Murphy

>From: "Laury, Victor" <LauryV@MTA.NET>
>Reply-To: "Laury, Victor" <LauryV@MTA.NET>
>To: "'Michael Tarelka'" <>, 
>Subject: RE: The Search Continues....
>Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 09:20:15 -0700
>Something tells me that your not in the market for the Concours Garage
>Queens. That's good, cause our cars are meant to drive. This can't be the
>total of the Roadster market! What are you really after? Do you want a 
>model 1600 over a late model? Or a 2L over the 1.6? Is the "1600 with the
>latest price of $4k" the same car that's on Ebay? if so why is it
>"overpriced"? It sure looks good. The Huntington Beach 67.5 sounds like a
>flakey deal to me.
>Five years ago, I bought my 70 2L for $5,400 and It does both, go fast and
>look good. I can't believe the market has changed that much in five years.
>But, I still had to shop for a few months.
>Are you using the web classifieds like:
>Taderonline at
>Recycler at
>Excite Classifieds (formerly Classifieds 2000)
>Hemmings Motor News (Got more complicated to use lately)
>Keep us posted on the search, cause we're buying vicariously through you.
>70 SRL 31113136
>Los Angeles


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