Roman, here's mine:
Mark Kalmus
Austin TX
70 SRL311-13695 (original engine)
Red with black interior
Not running (regrettably)
Regarding Bruce and his Ebay parts, we just moved to a new address earlier
this month and both Bruce Schluderman and Tom Walters came over to lend
assistance as I tried to get my two-liter to turn over. It was my intent to
drive the roadster to the new address rather than tow it (as I've done each
of the last three moves over four years). No such luck. It seems I
dropped the ball in storing it properly. Now it's off with the head.
Bruce knows his roadsters inside and out. He has given me a couple of rare
parts that I thought were going to be impossible to find. When he came over
to help dislodge my engine, he showed me his new digital camera he bought in
preparation for auctioning off some of his many spare parts. (Gotta get me
one of those.) I've always felt I have the tremedously good fortune of
being in close proximity to Bruce, Tom, and Pat Horne, three fine roadster