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Re: Ball joints

To: Fred Katz <>
Subject: Re: Ball joints
From: Mike/Chris Clothier <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 14:20:01 -0700
Fred Katz wrote:

> Hi,
> I read with interest, Russell Criswell's message about his upper A-arm and
> the shocks. I have KYB shocks and they installed with no problem through
> the lower A-arm. Are there different sizes of KYB's for the front?
> My main question is about ball joints. If you have great condition ball
> joints, what are they supposed to feel like if you were to move them
> through their full range of motion?
> I cleaned up the set I took off the junker '68 I chopped up. The upper ball
> joints are very stiff, and difficult to move around. However, the lower
> ball joints are very loose, and the ball has a lot of space under it's
> orbit in the socket. Are they supposed to be loose, or should they be tight
> like the upper ball joints?
> Fred "katman" - So.SF

I ask the same question and got the impression from those who responded that
there should not be alot of play in the lower ball-joints. I have a question
for you.... my lower ball-joints seem to be in two pieces. the shaft spins
inside the ball. Does yours do this? Has anyone else experienced this?
Mike Clothier
70 1600
68 1600 future auto-x

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