Can anyone identify these wheels on my 1600?. They're split two piece items
with an alloy mesh and a steel rim. I've had the car over 3 years now and it
was only when I was sandblasting the old paint off that I got curious.
PS Website activity fairly low at the moment although I've got stacks on the
boil - the #1 priority is to fettle the 1600 before she's sold - trouble is,
all this fettling makes me wish I wasn't selling her! BTW Stan's replacement
door panels look a treat (Thanks Stan)
<A HREF="http://www.datsun.org/fairlady/">The Classic Fairlady Roadster
69 2000
68 1600 (will she stay or will she go?)
65 1600
78 260Z Roadster (or will this one have to go?)