Here is a little bit of nostalgia for you guys, The Fresno Datsun Roadster
Owners Club is having a get together at the Woodward Park Drive-In here in
Fresno on Friday July 28th.
It would be excellent to see how many roadsters we could get to show here in
the Valley of the Sun. Here is also an interesting Idea, if any guys want to
make a trek out of it I would be willing to put anybody up who needs it. Also
if we have enough guys we might be able to make a run to the hills on
Saturday, or even go to Yosemtie (1 hr drive). If guys ever want to see
Yosemite in their roadster they should do it soon because they are talking
about closing it off to all vehicles in the future.
Heres hopin to see ya
Lou Smaldino
P.S. to all you Central Valley Roadster Owners the FresnoDROC group gets
together the first Saturday of every month for breakfast, my first meeting
there were 12 of us.