One time me and some friends were helping a friend with starting problems
on his Chevy. He was adjusting the carb as we cranked it over. Wrrr, wrrr,
wrrr, WHUMP! BIG BLAST OF FIRE and a roar as it backfired and kicked over.
Our friend jumped back away from the car and said "whew, that was damn
close!". We were laughing hysterically because his wool cap was on fire
with flames shooting up from his head!
Note: adjust your carbs outside, not in the garage. Gives you more space to run
around as you try to put out the flames!
P.S. Uni-Syns go for around $25.
_______________________ Reply Separator ___________________________
> Subject: Re: Synchronizing carbs with rubber hose
> Author: at ~ctl-internet-po
> Date: 7/3/2000 1:16 PM
> Sounds very much like Keith is talking from experience here !!!!! <G>
> <G> !!!
> Personally, I've always been rather fond of the rubber hose trick -
> <G> for the carbs - FOR THE CARBS !!!! <G>
> THinking about it seriously now, it really could do some damage if it
> backf'd through the carbs... never had it happen tho'.
> Laurie :-)
> In a message dated 7/3/00 8:59:08 AM US Mountain Standard Time,
> writes:
>> This is a very dangerous practice, If the vacuum gets to high and
> the hose > get stuck in your ear canal you will find your brains
> being sucked into the
>> engine. This is very hard on the carbs and valves. Or if the engine
> back > fires through the carb it will blow your brains all over the
> far wall. That
>> really upsets the wife who always has to clean up after you. Be
> safe, just > say no to the rubber hose.
>> keith "see you at Shasta" Williams