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Re: An open letter to the list

To: Andrew Murphy <>,
Subject: Re: An open letter to the list
From: Mike Harper <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 18:21:08 -0700 (PDT)
Sorry, I just forgot to sign my diatribe about our
"friend" the jerkoid...

Mike Harper
'66 1600
Chaleston SC, (where we have manners, but there is a
--- Andrew Murphy <> wrote:
> All,
> I was dismayed to see replies to my posts about John
> Mikes and his treatment 
> of list members. One said "Give me a break" when I
> asked to have him removed 
> from the list while another said he was shocked by
> the list's treatment of 
> this person.
> I say to these people did you read his posts? He
> came onto the list and said 
> "I want a roadster. No rust buckets." He gave no
> location, no indication of 
> year or model. When several list members asked about
> his location and what 
> kind of roadster he was interested in, his reply
> amounted to "I know 
> roadsters. If you have one tell me about and if I
> like it I'll make an 
> offer, pick the car up, drive home and unsubscribe
> from the list".
> I wrote what I thought was a very well thought out
> response that since he 
> was coming onto a discussion list and was asking for
> help, that he might 
> want to be a little less rude when you are asking
> for help. Other members of 
> this list were even more harsh than I.
> But when he responds "What the hell do you people
> care where I get my car 
> and to Stay the hell out of my mailbox", in my
> opinion he has given up the 
> right to be here. I am person that does not tolerate
> this kind of behavior 
> in real life and I will be damned if I will condone
> it by remaining silent. 
> This man is rude and has demonstrated nothing but
> contempt for this list 
> after people tried to help him.
> Give you a break? Give yourself a break and demand
> that we treat each other 
> with courtesy and respect here. I always do.
> I do however agree that this thread is counter
> productive and will not 
> comment further on list. If you wish to flame me,
> please do so off list and 
> I will do the same.
> Andrew Murphy
> SoCalROC

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