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Re: <OT>THanks everyone

To: "Marc Sayer" <>, <>
Subject: Re: <OT>THanks everyone
From: "Sean Trevelyan" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 16:11:18 +1000
Hi Marc
I understand what you are saying and totally agree with you about our
judgement of internet friends not being as accurate as sighted friends - but
whatever happened in Laurie's situation, this guy should not have spoken as
he did.  He was the boss and she was the employee; if he didn't like her as
a person or like her work it was up to him to do something about it, not to
be abusive - and I don't think there was any discussion about Laurie's work
ability, etc. it was just what he did, as as a boss he should be above that,
and above provocation.
----- Original Message -----
From: Marc Sayer <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 8:23 AM
Subject: Re: <OT>THanks everyone

> wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for all the letters of support re: my crappy Friday.
> >
> > I found out the technical term for the gadget he had is a "crating
hammer" or
> > "crating axe". ANyhooo....
> > After a long weekend of fretting & deliberating, I have done a bunch of
> > research on the web, and am armed with a ton of addresses & phone ##'s
to the
> > various authorities that you kind folks have suggested for me. A police
> > report is TOP the list as well.
> Well, I want everyone on this list to know I thought long and hard
> before posting this. And I want Laurie to know this is in NO WAY
> directed at her. I don't know Laurie and couldn't begin to say whether
> the following comments applied to her or not. And that is exactly what
> my point is. While Laurie seems like a nice person, many of us know
> almost nothing about her, or many of the people we "meet" on the net. In
> person we can form opinions about folks based on all sorts of cues, but
> on-line we are denied most of them. We can be and often are wrong in the
> opinions we first form about folks we meet in real life, and this is
> even more true about those we meet only on-line. My point here is we
> have heard only Laurie's persepctive on what really happened. Maybe it's
> accurate, or maybe its way off. Maybe Laurie is one of those people who
> sees menace in any situation, or who has a personal issue with certain
> types of men, or maybe with all men. I don't know. We don't know. And it
> doesn't really matter because if we don't know for sure what went on in
> a situation, or how specific people behaved, we need to be careful about
> taking sides and encouraging this or that. That doesn't mean we
> shouldn't be supportive in some fashion of a fellow Roadster lister, but
> I question whether it is wise to leap blindly into the fray, as it were.
> I think we all wanted to let Laurie know we were supportive of her and
> we did that with good intentions, but to assume her version of events is
> gospel and to advise she persue civil action etc., based solely on her
> version of the events, may be counter productive. (All Lawyers please
> skip this part) Lawyers will often gladly take on a suit they think is
> unfounded if they see an oportunity for profit. If we were in any way
> party to this, I think most of us would feel badly. Whether the outcome
> was that Laurie was right but got taken by a shyster lawyer, or the boss
> was not guilty of anything but was unfairly sued, or whatever, we would
> still feel bad if we had contributed to the situation no matter how
> inadvertantly.
> Enthusiasm and team spirit are great and we all benefit when they are
> applied with inteligence. But when applied blindly, things can go very
> wrong. Many may feel I overstate this, but my feeling is that it is a
> thin line between Nazi fervor and team spirit. The difference is applied
> objective inteligence. It is easy to get caught up in the fervor and end
> up doing something you may regret later (remember Randy whatshis name
> and his evil wife and the Roadster he was going to lose because of her
> if we didn't all send him a few bucks?)
> --
> Marc Sayer
> Editor/Publisher
> Z Car & Classic Datsun Magazine
> Voice 541-726-6001
> Fax 541-746-0863/726-6001

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