Lucky Guy!!!!!!!!
I went out with someone who refused to get into my Roadster as it had no A/C
and it was too bumpy!!!!
Needless to say I kept my car and dumped that . . .
'66 Mike
PS - I also went out w/someone who refused to drive in my Roadster because
it was too small, but then again she refused to drive in my Miata. Needless
to say . . .
Miata Mike
----- Original Message -----
From: Ken Pletcher <>
To: Datsun Roadster <>
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 1:31 AM
Subject: Mrs. DATSTER?
> I got a surprise this afternoon,when my wife (Susan) came home from a
> she asked me if I ever thought of buying a second roadster for her to
> After the BBQ this last week end she finally got to meet quite a few
> members and really enjoyed herself. The only requirements are that it
> a operational top,windows and door handles. I guess I need to keep my eye
> out for Roadster #2.
> Ken