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Re: D-Day

To: Robin Krause <>
Subject: Re: D-Day
From: Gary McCormick <>
Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2000 14:29:53 -0700
Then I guess July 4th is a good reason for us not to own British cars...

Gary McCormick
San Jose, CA

Robin Krause wrote:

> I'm not sure it's just the youngsters that have forgotten about D-Day. . .
> I was at Sears in my Roadster waiting for a package pick-up (yes, it was a
> small package).  The 75+ year-old man next to me looked at my car and said
> he'd never own one.  His reason was,"Yeah, I'm a December 7th."
> It only took me a few seconds to notice he was leaning on the front grill of
> his Mercedes. . .???
> >From:
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: D-Day
> >Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2000 14:01:30 +0000
> >
> >You should have told him it was "Saving Private Ryan"
> >day.
> >
> >Nomad Trash
> > > Roadster Content: Looks good!
> > >
> > > I put my flag out today knowing that it's not an offical flag flying
> > > day. Was getting the mail and a 30 something looking guy walking down
> > > the sidewalk says, "why do you have your flag out"? I say, "It's D-Day".
> > > He said, "What's that?" I say nothing. I can't speak. What the @#$% is
> > > going on?
> > > Steve Harvey
> > >
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