> There was more to my message to Laura then the clutch post, but I don't need
>to go any further then I have with it. I can't believe I let one person get me
>so mad.<
The only public comment I will have on this is that I feel is is exceptionally
unfortunate that Mike let feelings of a personal nature be viewed on this
board. If there is more to his post than what he wrote I can only imagine it is
of a more personal nature. I have always expressed my gratitude to him
personally for the help he has given and in fact I have paid him top dollar for
the parts he has sold me... no quibbeling. I have lended him an ear when he
is/was going through personal crises and I have offered my support to him in
any way possible a person can from 600 miles away.
Mike, you have my phone number. Use it.