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Re: Wisdom needed: 5th gear neutral

To: "John F Sandhoff" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Wisdom needed: 5th gear neutral
From: "Kyle W. Hagemann" <>
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2000 18:56:04 -0700
Hi John;

The only thing I'd be afraid of is having the gear and/or
shaft wear from the slippage of the gear on the shaft.

But if you're not in fifth gear, its countergears are free-
wheeling, so there shouldn't be any force on the slipped

If you fix it, or get it fixed, you'll probably wind up with
a splined replacement gear?  So the fifth gear assembly will
be replaced, wouldn't it?  If the gear is fixed by welding instead, there
might be a risk of damaging the shaft beyond
repair, but I really doubt that.

My 2c-
-----Original Message-----
From: John F Sandhoff <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, June 02, 2000 5:19 PM
Subject: Wisdom needed: 5th gear neutral

>I need some words of wisdom: We all know of the 5 speed's weakness
>for the split 5th gear coming apart and creating a second neutral. My
>question is: is it dangerous to drive the car long distances in this
>condition? If one were to stay at a reasonable speed in 4th, it's
>about the same as driving a 1600 (5% slower at same RPM, 3500 revs
>is about 65).  But is there anything internal that's going to come apart?
>Is it best to fix the gear before driving far?
>-- John
>     John F Sandhoff   Sacramento, CA

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