List, I received this list from my Internet Service Provider and thought
some of you might like to have it.
Chip Coover
Glenwood, Maryland
:) or :-) smiling ;) or ;-) or '-) winking, just kidding
=:-) hosehead smiling :O) dog smiling :( or :-( sad
:-o or :O or 8-O various levels of surprise :-D or |-D laughing
:-P "pllllbbt!" :-@ screaming
BTW, here's a few of the more popular abbreviations.
BTW -- by the way IMHO -- in my humble opinion
FAQ -- frequently asked questions IOW -- in other words
FYI -- for your information BYNT -- but you knew that
LOL -- lots of love/laughing out loud WYSIWYG -- what you see is what
you get