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Re: Holiday? <OT>

To: "datsun list" <>
Subject: Re: Holiday? <OT>
From: "Kerry Zariwny" <>
Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2000 09:42:59 -0800
That holiday has been celebrated here in West Linn for years! <grin!> Basically 
it allows you to take time off work (go ahead.
tell your bosses I said so), grab a beverage (that's "soda" for you underagers 
w/o the fake id), a picnic, your SO, and go for a
topless beach ride in the roadster. For those of you that have roadsters that 
are garage-bound: grab a drink, pop a tape of ocean
sounds in the radio and turn a fan on (it's kinda the same. trust me).

It's not so much a "Kerry Zariwny Day", but more of a day for all roadster 
owners everywhere to band together, rise up and show
the world that "Yes! We are the Few! We are the Proud! We own datsun roadsters 
and, for the last time damn it, it is not an MG!"

Take care! :)

Kerry Z
West Linn, Oregon
1968 1600

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "roadster list" <>
Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2000 7:26 AM
Subject: Holiday?

> Hey List,
> I was just looking through my exceptionally well done 2000 calender and
> noticed what must be a new national holiday. It is April 19th and it's
> called Kerry Zariwny Day.
> Great calender guys
> Charlie Breault
> 69 1600
> P.S.  Kerry, I'll check on your clutch master tomorrow.

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