Ya, it is matter of supply & demand for the manuals and
other stuff.
Ironic thing is I used to grab a Shop Manual when I spotted
them at swap meets, etc. I paid $15.00 for one, and sold it
to a "friend" who paid me $8.95 for it (after all that was
the price on the front cover. Ahem). Usually just resold
them for what I paid for it.
I picked up a manual recently for $30 (??); factory shop
manual for the 2000.
Then again I was more than happy to sell Dell Stock
when I "doubled" my money. Ahem, never ask me stock
advice, nor prices of roadsters. Let's see I bought
my 67 2000 in 1990 for $$$, and now could get $$$ for
it.... mean while DELL has increased 3,000 in value
over the same time. Explains the Rolls Royce around
Round Rock. ;-)