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guide coating revisited

To: a roadster list <>
Subject: guide coating revisited
From: Toby B <>
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 1999 12:19:20 -0800
I guidecoat a different way-
        After the car's primed, and ready for sanding, I dust it with a
different color bomb-can primer.  Or "guide coat black," which sands
easier!  Then, the high spots sand free of guide coat quickly, while low
spots tend to be unsanded, and left guide-coated.  Your sanding
technique is pretty critical, tho- if you don't block the panel pretty
carefully, it's easy to mislead yourself! 
        It's a good trick, and you can use it on bare metal, filler, and
fiberglass as well...
        Also, some etch primers (PPG, Spies and Sikkens fer sher) are meant to
be a light misting- if you flow them on heavily, they actually weaken
the base layer.  Apparently, while they provide excellent adhesion,
their film strength is pretty low...

William Hatfield wrote:
> Hello all:    Guide coating is a process of using different colors of primer
> in a couple of coats so when you sand the high spots will show the other color
> brfore the low ones.  In other words you will sand the top coat off the high
> spots first.  hth   Bill  66&67 spls in N.M.

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