There's also a liability issue with ABS-
skid marks on the pavement don't lie. If you're in a panic-stop
situation, they prove, to the inch, where you got on the brakes HARD.
THis may be good for you, it may be bad. But it's truthful. Some ABS
systems leave rubber on the road when you've reached the limit of
adhesion, and some don't. And yes, I know that a tire at the limit
will stop you faster than one that's sliding, but can you imagine what
they're gonna be like to service and maintain in 30-40 years? You
thought the roadster had a lotta fittings?!?! So, annoyingly, "me, too,
Roadster content: I haven't had mine out in months, I'm going thru
withdrawal, and it's raining buckets.
Whine, whine, whine,
Toby wrote:
> Incidentally, I hate ABS. One time I was driving a company GM van with
> ABS and the brakes failed on a panic stop. I think GM may have resolved
> the problem but I don't trust ABS. There's nothing like locking up the
> wheels and screeching to a stop in a short distance, which I don't think
> ABS does well at all.
> Fred