Kyle wrote:
"So now you have a couple choices - wait it out - unless you went to
the DMV to get the ball rolling (ie, began registration) - that
likely started the clock running anew:-( Or, I hate to say it, but if
the car is a freebie, it's probably not worth the hassle.... keep it
as a parts car and get another roadster.... Or if the roadster
hasn't gotten into your bloodstream yet, sell it as a parts car, or
out of state."
Sharon, don't do that. Hey, I will gladly take the Fairlady off your hands
for the price of registration!!!!
No, if she wants to drive it now (and the car is in good shape), take the
hit, bite the bullet. Otherwise, call me and I'll take a "free" Fairlady
for the cost of registration.
Gary T. Ward