Hmmm..... Anyone else on the list exhibiting a similar condition? Rumor has
it that it's very contagious. It is also rumored that the roadster list is
the "host carrier" with this virus being dormant most of the time, but
beware, when it strikes it can be nearly fatal (to the pocketbook that is).
Do not be alarmed though. The prognosis is getting better and better.
Recent studies have shown that FEWER and FEWER restorable roadsters are
waiting in the weeds, ready to pounce on the unexpecting roadster addict.
There are some, but your chances of being further infected are decreasing.
The best advice is to avoid reading the classified, driving through dark
alleys, or meandering through the countryside on long forgotten roads.
If symptoms persist, please contact your nearest roadster parts supplier.
> I went form a new guy last week with a 69 2000 to a new guy with a 68 2000
> to go along with the 69.
> Is there a 12 step program for roadster owners.
> Please help me before I acquire again!!!!!!!!
> Thanks to Jeff Smith I'm an addict.