Try this one "Imagine Whirled Peas"
roadster content, My baby is still in the shop, Some idiot at the the
machine shop either did it himself or didnt notice a big ol' scratch in
the #3 cylinder, #^$%$* so now I have to argue with them about "was it
there before?" and can you fix it! I wish I had the time Knowledge and
garage with all the tools to do this myself, but I do have a great love
for my cars and just want it back, 4 months and counting........
Chris Lyon
Jeanette Mehl wrote:
> Hi all,
> Saw this bumper sticker on a car and had to share.
> "Where are we going, and what am I doing in this handbasket?"
> (roadster content:) I am looking for one for my roadster. :-)
> Dave SRL311-10444