This depends on where you are moving to. For example,
even within BC there are variations: Vancouver has smog
testing, Victoria does not.
Dave Riedel
'69 2000
Victoria, BC, Can.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ken Pearce []
> Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 1999 12:14 PM
> To:
> Subject: Canadian smog requirements?
> A question for our Canadian members: If I move from the USA
> to Canada and
> bring my 68-2000 which no longer has it's smog pump, will I
> be required to
> put one back on the car?
> Thanks,
> Ken Pearce, 68-2000
> Lawrence, KS
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Ken Pearce
> Engineering Computing Services
> School of Engineering "The best time to take action
> University of Kansas toward a dream is yesterday;
> the worst is tomorrow; the
> best compromise is today."
> Alvah Simon
> =====================================================================