> Mike,
> Someone went to a lot of trouble to put your distributor together. The
> roadster shaft will fit into the 310 housing without modification. It is
> only necessary to make up a spacer to sit on the top of the shaft and use a
> longer screw for the cam. All the parts will fit. Actually the part that
> you need to watch out for is the mechanical advance because of the various
> advance cams used in the donor cars. The dist from a 210 (B310) is easy to
> get and use. Wiring is really easy.
> Stan
> ==========
> At 11:43 AM 8/16/99 -0700, Mike Poorboy wrote:
> >Hi,
> >Is there anyone else out there that is using a Datsun electonic ignition
> >
> >conversion.
> >
> >The end was cut of ,and the distributer drive, and the oil pump drive
> >shaft from a 2 liter were welded back on.
I stand corrected! Stan is right about my distributer.