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Re: still having fuel problems...........Help!!

To: Randy Christman <>,
Subject: Re: still having fuel problems...........Help!!
From: Philip Erickson <philip.erickson@Agouron.COM>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 13:35:30 -0700
Actually your fuel filter should not be full of fuel.
Clean fuel filters will have air in them, as they get dirty the amount of
air gets less and less until they appear to be full of fuel, then it is
time to replace the filter.
I don't think your problem is the filter, but I would already have change
the filter at the very first sign of any fuel problem.  Cheap insurance.
my .02 worth.

Randy Christman wrote:

> I am still having the problem with my 68' 2000 sputtering and stalling
> on me. It seemed to do it mainly going down hill when i would coast. I
> would go to accerlate and it would sputter or not be running. Now it
> seems to do it from time to time on level ground as well.
> Yesterday when it happened, i pulled to the curb and poped the hood to
> check my fuel filter. It was full of fuel. Which leads me to believe the
> problem is in the carbs or a vapor lock.
> My fuel line from the pump to the carbs sits atop the valve cover. Could
> heat be a possibe cause? I am baffeled. Would love to drive the car but
> i can not depend on it.
> When it does stall. I crank it a little bit and it always starts back up
> and runs.
> Please.....................somebody..................HELP!!!!
> Randy Christman
> 68' 2000

Philip Erickson                                  Phone:  (619) 622-7963
4215 Sorrento Valley Boulevard         San Diego, CA  92121
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