Dirty Fuel Tank?
You might have enough crud in the fuel tank to plug up the fuel
line. It is interesting as you notice better running UPHILL.
After 30+ years who knows how clean that tank is.
>I purchased my 68' 2000 a few months back. I have had some type of fuel
>prob. from the begining. The car came with an electronic fuel pump. I
>replaced it the stock mech. one. The car is running SU's. I kept
>fouling plugs. I replaced the floats, which were the brass ones, and one
>of which looked like someone had taken a hammer to it. I replaced it
>with the new plastic one. Adjusted the float level to what the manual
>called for. It started up and ran great around my area. Took it through
>the canyon three times and each time after about 3 miles it acts like it
>is running out of fuel. It actually dies. I was able to nurse it with
>the choke once or twice, but it still died. I stopped and restarted it
>and it seemed to run fine the rest of the way home. It seemed to be
>worst when i am going down hill, coasting, then give it gas. It's like
>it does not like going down hill. (strange) It prefers to work the
>uphill. I have replaced the fuel filter, pump, floats and
>plugs.........any other suggestions before this bores me to death and i
>end up selling it???
> 68' 2000