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Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix Association announces 1999 web site

Subject: Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix Association announces 1999 web site
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1999 13:29:55 -0400
  In case anybody is interested in going.  I hope to get over on Saturday for
the day.


Subject:  Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix Association announces 1999 web site

Dear friends of the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix,

The Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix Association, Inc. is pleased to announce
the launch of 1999 The Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix web site, hosted by
the Three Rivers Free Net.
  This site contains valuable information about the 1999 Pittsburgh Vintage
Grand Prix, including event & race schedules, racing class information,
color course maps, information about this year's sponsors, and parking and
spectating suggestions. At the conclusion of each day, images and video
from that day's events were posted.
  New this year are downloadable Car Show, Marque of the Year, Kickoff
Rallye, Benefit Gala, and benfit Raffle entry forms.
  This year's races were held the weekend of July 17th and 18th, 1999.
  Each year The Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix Association, an all volunteer,
non-profit organization, stages the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix for the
benefit of the  Autism Society of Pittsburgh and the Allegheny Valley

Please visit the site at:

The Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix Association can be reached by e-mail at

The Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix association appreciates the support
you've shown by including links to previous pages, and now that the PVGPA
Media Staff has a concentrated effort to expand our new permanent home on
the internet, we hope you'll update your links to the new URL.


The Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix Association

Chris Connors
Internet Services Pit Chief
Media Committee
The Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix Association

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