> I've also heard that putting mothballs in the car will keep rodents away.
> Anyone try it?.
> Joseph Berkenbile
Yeah- I had heard the same thing. When I first purchased my roadster I
stored it in a hay barn. I bought 3-4 bags of moth balls and placed them
everywhere possible-inside dash, around the motor, EVERYWHERE! There were
so many laying all over that it looked like the car had just been hit by a
hail storm.
When I checked on it several months later some papers and books I had in the
trunk was tore to shreads and they had helped in the restoration process by
loosening and removing much of the already tattered carpet! Fortunately, as
best I can tell, the wiring and all other vitals were untouched. I still
like to use them but if storing them in an area they is undoubtably
infested, there is probably little you can do.
PS don't they make a car cover that you can drive onto then zip up, vitually
like putting the car in a bag?