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DSK Cars History on

Subject: DSK Cars History on
From: John Donohoe <>
Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 10:52:11 -0700 (PDT)
Well gents, it's been a while but there's a bit of an
update to SimpleSevens -- NOTE - it's now .org rather
than .com!

Those of you who have been waiting a good long time
for my DSK history to be posted, your wait is over!

Those of you who are not really interested in DSK,
well, there actually is a bit of good vintage
sportscar history there as well... David Kaplan did
start out working with Sam Posey and Ray Caldwell of
Autodynamics and tells great stories of those days...

As far as genuine Lotus Seven fans go (myself
included), I think that the best benefit to you is
that you have the opportunity to learn a little
something about the motives of David Kaplan and also
about some details of DSK modifications, which many of
your cars do have.

Lotus Seven fans will also find that the 'DSK Seven'
was really quite a different machine than a Lotus
Seven, easy to tell at a glance primarily by the heavy
duty frame structure and also by more subtle
differences in suspension and fiberglas bits.

So the History is there now, and I am still preparing
to add a handful of the bulletins (I can't possibly
display them all) and also to add Lotus Sevens with
links to DSK Cars to the Showroom area of the site --
there are already two Sevens on SimpleSevens which
fall in this category that will be displayed there

I would like to publicly thank David Kaplan himself
who wrote the story and shared his photos with me, and
also Esko Ala Nisula, who provided not only photos,
but also invaluable phone numbers and email addresses
that got the ball rolling on this project in the first

John Donohoe

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