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Palo Alto Alternative

Subject: Palo Alto Alternative
From: (Richard Feibusch)
Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001 10:54:23 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Listers,

Due to the cancellation of the All British Car Meet in
Palo Alto on September
9th, the Golden Gate Lotus Club has arranged an
alternate meeting at Huddart
Park in Woodside on the same day.  We've secured a
private area with its own
parking lot, BBQ facilities, tables, etc.

The plan is to gather around 10am at the park to lie
about our cars and kick
tires.  We'll then do some BBQ'n and take off in the
early afternoon for a
drive through the coastal mountains.

The GGLC will provide the Charcoal, fire, burgers,
buns, utensils, but the rest
is potluck.  If your lotus red, blue, or green, please
bring some soft drinks
to share with at least 4 people - cans are usually
best.  If your Lotus is
yellow, black, silver, white or other, please bring a
munchie, salad, or
dessert to share with at least 4 people.  You're also
welcome to bring your own
specialty meat or vegetarian food if burgers don't
appeal to you.

Directions to the park.

>From highway 280 take the Woodside Road/hwy 84 turnoff
and go West.  Stay on
this road and continue past the small shopping center
and go about another
mile.  Turn right on King's Mountain Road (there's a
hard-to-see sign for
Huddart Park).  Drive about 5 miles up an excellent
Lotus road and turn into
the park on the right.  We'll be in the Redwood
Shelter area.

If you have questions or wanna volunteer to help out,
please contact  John Z at
john@f...  or 650 368 9105

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