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Re: Seven frame numbers

Subject: Re: Seven frame numbers
From: john donohoe <>
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 13:15:47 -0700 (PDT)
Thanks very much Gene, that begins to make sense. I'll
see what John at the Seven register says about a
reverse look-up.

John D.

--- wrote:
> John,
> You likely have an original S2 frame.  The only
> question is whether or not
> the chassis plate is original.  Can John do a
> reverse look-up to see which
> chassis number should go with frame 135?  A previous
> owner may have put in a
> replica chassis plate and guessed at the chassis
> number.  I take it B1135 is
> not registered with John currently.
> Gene Carter
> * * * * * * * * * * * *
> would anyone with a late S1 or Early S2 please
> describe to me the exact placement and appearance of
> the FRAME number?
> I'm looking at a Seven that's presented as a '62
> early
> S2. Its VIN plate is hand scribed "B1135" but I'm
> having trouble making sense of the Chassis number,
> which seems to appear on a small (1x1.5 inch) plates
> welded to the top of the frame rail in front of the
> passenger (left in this case) seat.
> John Watson of the Seven registry tells me that the
> number I can make out on this plate "135" is not
> even
> close to what his build sheet for 1135 says it
> should
> be!
> If anyone has a clue, or could confirm how a typical
> FRAME number should appear, I'd greatly appreciate
> it!
> regards,
> John Donohoe

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