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Re: Sun International/Lotus Elise 2000 ...

Subject: Re: Sun International/Lotus Elise 2000 ...
From: "Erik V. Berg" <erikb@elrond.sp.TRW.COM>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 13:44:27 -0800
For those of us who haven't the stomach for the 
frightening noise-to-signal ratio on the Lotus 
Cars list, and therefore find ourselves out of 
touch with the latest USA Elise goings-on, what 
has been happening?

How did the survey go?

Do LCU and Lotus have a fundamental disagreement 

Are Lotus planning federalization for the larger, 
V6 powered Elise derivative in '01 or '02?

Could it be that "what's his name" of Sun 
International is actually thinking in terms of 
the larger car-to-come?

Erik Berg

>Web sites are one thing and reality is another.
>It is quite apparent that the present "powers to be" at LCU don't have
>the ability to bring the Elise to America.
>What's his name just doesn't have the gumption nor the balls to make
>that a reality.   If he did we'd be driving Elises now.
>Correct me if I've erred,
>Ron Bennett
>Chris Kantarjiev wrote:
>> has tantalizing hints about a US-legal Elise
>> with a 195bhp Honda VTEC engine.

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