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Re: europa

To: chapman-era@Autox.Team.Net, "lotus eras" <>
Subject: Re: europa
From: rebean@CCGATE.HAC.COM
Date: Fri, 07 Aug 98 09:54:02 PST
     Depends on which Europa.  The S1 has, I think, the least clearance 
     while the TCs have the most.  In between there are the S2 cars.
     Generally, 5 1/2" wheels of the standard offset with 165/60 or 175/70 
     tires will work all around, for all models.  But if you want to push 
     the limits, you can play around with offsets, grind a little 
     fiberglass and probably get away with 6" wide wheels with maybe 
     205/60.  For this, the people who have been through this should be 

Subject: europa
Author:  "lotus eras" <> at CCGATE
Date:    8/7/98 9:05 AM

         dear sirs,
      what else tyre and wheel sizes can be applied to an europa rather 
than the std, ones
 thanks, lotuseras

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