Rod Bean wrote:
> >From:
> >To:
> >
> >CC:
> >
> >Did anyone see the Fox coverage? I seem to recall a complaint about it
> >earlier in the year. Bell and Jones are the best comedy team since Abbott &
> >Costless. I loved the one when the cars lined up on the grid for the
> >start of
> >the race -- JONES : "Is it an advantage to start from the front of the grid?"
> >Where did they get this guy? Guess it is back to getting up early to watch
> >the
> >parade on Speedvision.
> I hate to say it, but I really think they've done this on purpose because
> they are worried that not enough of the American audience will understand
> the nuances of F1. I think they got this guy in there as sort of a
> stand-in for what they think is the average US fan (do his questions
> sound suspiciously like your clueless neighbor who happened to drop in
> with the race already in progress?).
> Just another of those irritating injustices we can't seem to do anything
> about. If we had enough clout to affect it, there would have to be many,
> many of us. If there were many, many of us, it would be *true* that the
> average viewer would need that kind of grade school aqpproach to maintain
> interest.
> Rod
Just a thought - but isn't this just another example of how we have lost
our way in western civilization? We used to believe in meritocracy and
it made us great but now we have to scale down to average Joe and we are
losing our way.
Oh well - the Greeks and Romans did it before us.
Hope I can sleep well tonight.