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Re[2]: Seven Series 1 registry numbers

To: Ron Bennett <>, chapman-era@Autox.Team.Net,,
Subject: Re[2]: Seven Series 1 registry numbers
From: rebean@CCGATE.HAC.COM
Date: Wed, 01 Jul 98 07:16:49 PST
I forwarded this to chapman-era which is a small list dedicated to early 

Rod Bean

Subject: Re: Seven Series 1 registry numbers
Author:  Ron Bennett <> at CCGATE
Date:    7/1/98 4:20 AM

Try contacting John Watsonat:
NOTICE: LOTUS 7 OWNERS - Lotus Seven Club of Great Britain's Historian and 
is interested in hearing from current Lotus 7 owners regarding their "REGISTER 
LOTUS SEVEN CARS". This is a free service, but strictly on an exchange of 
basis. They have all of the available Lotus Seven Factory Records on disk and 
supply data on any car to the current owner, whether a member of their club or 
Contact John W. Watson for information and a questionnaire. E-mail-
Jim Boone wrote:
>     Stephen,
> You've used the same reference I would have used.  I've forwarded your note to
> Lotus Cars Mailing list. Maybe someone "out there" knows the answer. 
> Jim Boone
> Michael Yargosz wrote:
> > Mr. Boone,
> >
> >         My father may buy a Lotus Seven series 1 and he has a small problem.
> > book he has says that the seven series 1 ran from a registry number of 400 
> > to 499 built in Hornsey. The book title is 'Illustrated Lotus Buyer's
> > Guide'. The guy who has the car either sent something with the registry
> > number 399 or somehow told my father this number. Did he make a mistake or 
> > is the book wrong. This is urgent because my father is going to purchase
> > the car on second or third of july 1998. If you do not the answer any 
> > assistance in how to find out would be appreciated.
> >
> >                                                         Sincerely, 
> >
> >                                                         Stephen M Yargosz 
> --
> Jim Boone - -

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