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Re: Queerbox

To: Bill Sherwood <>
Subject: Re: Queerbox
From: "Erik V. Berg" <erikb@elrond.sp.TRW.COM>
Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 23:06:59 -0700
Howdy, all.

I've got a buddy in Australia (well, New Zealand at the moment), Bill 
Sherwood, who is poking around the web looking for information about 
the queerbox.  I think he is mainly after some sort of a description 
of how the actual shifting works.  

Bill S. wrote:
> Yes please - They could email me directly back if they like.

CC to me, please, should you decide to reply directly to Bill.

I wrote about this, eons ago:
>> Lotus built a tranny once.  The factory mechanics called it the 
>> "queer-box".  ;-)

Mike Causer Replied:
> Lotus bought the gear cluster from Getrag (I think, maybe ZF), got a 
> foundry to make a housing, bought in gears, bearings.......... Ok, in 
> this case the gear cluster was their own design too, but the point is 
> that nobody makes every piece that goes into a complex product in 
> their own workshops. 

Anyone else (or Mike C again, for that matter) got any queerbox 
tidbits or tall tales to pass along?

Erik  "I prefer hetero 'boxes, preferably attached to NGWBTs"  Berg

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