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tell Lotus what you think...

To: chapman-era@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: tell Lotus what you think...
From: (Chris Kantarjiev)
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 10:06:40 -0700
Hopefully this isn't old news to all and sundry...

This month's Road & Track discusses, in brief, the possibility of the
Elise coming to the US. Among other things, they mention the contact
information for the PR boss at Hethel, and suggest that you write to
express interest in the Elise. I certainly will.

Alastair Florance
Group Lotus Ltd.
Hethel Norwich NR14 8EZ
fax +44 1953 608133

(Tell him Road and Track sent you.)

They mention two concerns: crash test (no bumpers, something
will have to be added) and engine (apparently the 118 bhp from the
1.8L K series isn't enough).

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