Hello Mike,
The SP Sports won't compare well to current tires, so your tires may well be
representative of the series. I just have good memories of mine. However,
with the aspect ratios available today it's difficult to get the correct
height without going to the larger sizes, and the Elan seems to like the
narrower widths. But that's a bona fide member of the OFC talking.
The CR65s I have fitted on the 26R magnesium wheels (which are 6 inches
wide) are from the Dunlop "M" section post-historic/vintage range of racing
tires. They have a tread pattern that will be instantly recognizable to
those who read R&T in the 60s - I recall even the early F1 cars wore the
pattern. The size is expressed differently: 450M-13. This translates to a
tread face of 5 inches and a height of about 3-1/2 inches from the rim to
the tread. However, this is a racing tire and says so in bold letters (not
white) on the sidewalls. Consequently, it is very light, and you can pick
up a 26R wheel with CR65s mounted with one one very easily. It will not be
up to the cut and thrust of daily driving.
45 Elan S4