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Re: gearid.gif

To: David Drew <>
Subject: Re: gearid.gif
From: "Erik V. Berg" <erikb@elrond.sp.TRW.COM>
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 20:51:21 -0700
David, you wrote:
>I've sent the gif to the chapman list

Well, I have not yet received a copy of this, that I can identify 
as having originated from  Autox.Team.Net

By the way, all, Dave is talking about a *marvelous* Ford gearbox 
GIF that he sent to me, which identifies various Euro / Brit Ford
'boxes including the old single rail and three rail, the "side 
lever" 2 litre 4 speed, the RS2000 and Sierra 4 speeds, the Capri
"side lever" 4 speed, and the Capri "integral remote" 4 speed (this
one is the predescessor of the T9, I think...) as well as the T9.

>can you forward to the lotus list, thanks

Hmmmm.  I'm reluctant to, because I'm afraid they might consider it
a WOB (waste of bandwidth).  Postings with enclosures of that size, 
are normally only done after a large number of people on a mailing 
list express a specific interest.

One man's content, is another man's spam.

I think we really ought to get it posted to a web page.  I am now 
*seriously* considering getting my own page, on geocities, just for
the sake of getting our chapman-era stuff up where people can see 
it, without further exploiting Michael Sands' hospitality.  (Don't
wanna hog more bytes on his server....)

Anyone who needs a copy of this Ford gearbox ID sheet immediately, 
send me a private note, and I will gladly send it to you.


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