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Re: hello all

To: chapman-era@Autox.Team.Net, marc nichols <75273.2557@CompuServe.COM>
Subject: Re: hello all
From: rebean@CCGATE.HAC.COM
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 97 05:14:59 PST8
     Hi Marc,
     Your message is very timely.  Last night the little team which puts 
     together the Lotus West Slalom School met.  Remembering your slalom 
     successes in the Europa, I suggested you as an instructor and had an 
     action item to contact you.  Came in to work this morning prepared to 
     search all through my old messages for your e-mail address.
     Are you interested?  If you haven't done it, you'll find it's fun and 
     will give you a new perspective on driving to have to articulate and 
     justify techniques you may have taken for granted.  Also, having to 
     get immediately used to some strange (and sometimes wonderful) cars is 
     character building.  ;-)
     I'll need your address and phone number to give to Tom Minnich 
     (perennial eventmaster).
     Oh BTW welcome to the chapman-era list!  This is where Lotus still 
     means "light, balanced, basic and rear wheel drive"!
     Rod ("Air conditioning?  Oh you mean this little vent over here...."?) 

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: hello all
Author:  marc nichols <75273.2557@CompuServe.COM> at CCGATE
Date:    2/11/97 7:23 PM

Thought I would introduce myself. I'm Marc Nichols, recently relocated from 
Kansas City,Kansas to Los Angeles.
I have two Lotus: 1964 Lotus S-7 1500
                  1970 Lotus Europa S-2
Additionally, a 1960 Kieft Formula Junior
The Europa was an autocross and hillclimb car since I acquired it in 1972. It is
now retired and resides in good driveable condition (if not smog friendly) in 
our garage. The 7 and Kieft are actively vintage raced. The 7 was street 
registered in KS. I'm not certain if I can register it in California.
Hello all.     
E mail from Marc Nichols; Age & Treachery Racing, Ltd., Kansas City 

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