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Re: [Wedge] TR7/8 FI air intake

To: Carl McIver <cmciver@mindspring.com>, buick-rover-v8@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Wedge] TR7/8 FI air intake
From: James TenCate <tencate@mac.com>
Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2005 11:40:39 -0700
>   Jim, you are right for looking at this from a scientific 
> perspective.  However, filters exist not to flow the most air, but to 
> filter dirt from the air.  K&N filters flow better because they don't 
> filter as well.  I was interested in them for awhile until I came 
> across a couple web articles where different filters were flow tested 
> (perhaps you can dig them up yourself) and the amount of dirt the K&N 
> let through was staggering.  What I think the compromise is in OEM 
> filters is getting the largest filter surface area they can figuring 
> in cost and available space, as a larger filter will obviously flow 
> better due to the larger filter surface area.

I bookmarked the site below and it seems relevant to this discussion so 
thought I'd share it.  Probably one of the ones Carl read about in 
fact.  I'll let you all read it and come to your own conclusions :-)  I 
was actually surprised at how dirty even a paper element got during his 



///  buick-rover-v8@autox.team.net mailing list

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