A similar device was submitted to Beck Arnley/ WorldParts Corp. several years
back when I was a tech rep for them. It was given to me to test. I found it to
make absolutely no change in fuel mileage nor power on two different cars. I
agree with Barrie, any magnet type fuel saver is a hoax. I don't remember what
brand name it was being marketed under but it doesn't matter, You can stick
magnets all over your car's fuel system and it does not do anything other than
make the car a little heaver. As long as JC Whitney is selling them and making
any money at it, I will be surprised if anyone can get them to drop it, other
than the law. WorldParts Corp. for years sold a rear main seal for a 1275
midget and sprit and I couldn't get them to remove it from the catalog because
they showed sales for it.
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